
Niezłe, ale ciekawe co wy sądzicie?
Cool video!
What are the weapons you use
I know this is an old video, but I always imagined paintball matches where teams communicate over radio. Not where they yell their orders and their plans where anyone can hear them. Perfect example is when he's walking up stairs quietly. You hear all the chatter. Is it always like this or am I correct in some matches its radio chatter?
guy in thumbnail looks cool.
Holy nerds
im going paintballing yay
5:50 probaly just your gopros imagination
love the video and where did you get the gun your using in the video? did it come with the attachments?
What kind of gloves are those?
Such a fantastic vidio

God, I miss playing paintball.
This is the most stupid thing I have ever seen
everytime a mag run out of bullets do you have to refill the gas to ??
Love the vid bro keep up the good work and also don't worry what people say man i love your commentary 
What gun is he using

I like your video very mutch
I've played nuketown its hard
this reminds me The Last of Us , there is a hostipital part and it's really look alike
what! where is this?! 
i wanna go here!
Wow. I would give up playing Arma 3 for that shit any day! All there is here is a couple of people who like "real" guns only, and then the rest just go for sports. I hate my life now...

Really wish I could do that stuff at where I'm at.
Podobało się wam?, tak czy nie? może zerknij tu?

GoPro: Hospital Paintball - Behind Enemy Lines - TYTUŁ
15m 16s - CZAS
5204 - OCENA