dieta z dowozem arszawa


Niezłe, ale ciekawe co wy sądzicie?
Could I use your video for a inspiration video, I will give credit to you.
Dude that's so sick that you paintball and your form Toronto. I'm form Oakville if you don't know where it is, it's near Hamilton. Just want to say love your vids and hope one day we can play together. Keep it up 
Are u going this year ?
Heavy breathing really adds to the intensity! Lol
Do you get invited to this stuff
Stupid corner buddies 
are those airsoft guns that fire paint pellets?
Is it safe to stay that to respect paintball, you have to play a game?
so how do the dog tags work again what do they do?
you gotta call Frankie..
6:57 those aren't seconds lol
6:57 they are seconds lol
Baja confirmada!! 
7:10 What sort of fast count is that? Dude should of been out for twice as long for that cheating count
He makes milsim look so easy. I wanna try milsim
oh man you have some huge respiration problems
how come when i click on "my gear" in the description it shows your go pro mount
In through the nose out through the mouth...
He didn't get those two guys out at the beginning.... 
Its like call of duty IRL
Podobało się wam?, tak czy nie? może zerknij tu?

GoPro: Medieval Fort Paintball - Citadel Part 1 - Kill Confirmed - TYTUŁ
10m 13s - CZAS
1864 - OCENA